Aadhaar Card Status

Once you have applied for your Aadhaar Card, you get an extremely convenient provision of checking the status of your Aadhaar application. This facility is activated only after you have visited an Aadhaar Enrolment Center, submitted your application form, provided your photograph along with your biometric data, completed the application process and obtained an acknowledgment slip.

Typically, you will receive an ARN (Application Reference Number) upon successful submission of Aadhaar application, or a URN (Update Request Number) upon applying for changes or update of personal data in Aadhaar. You can use either of these numbers to conduct a quick check to know your Aadhaar card status. The process is extremely simple and available in various modes.

Once you submit your Aadhaar application, UIDAI takes roughly 60-90 days to process the application and send you the physical card via post. This is the duration during which you may wish to check the current status of your application. You could simply login to the website and follow few easy steps to check your Aadhaar status, or you could use your registered mobile number for the same. Click here to get step-by-step instructions for checking the Aadhar card status. 

Aadhaar Card Update

Aadhaar is gradually proceeding to become the most important document of an Indian citizen. It is not only as important as the Social Security Card of the US, but it actually comes with greater benefits. The Indian Government plans to store an individual's personal details in a centralized government database. Aadhaar is a means of gathering all such data. Apart from being an Identity Card, Aadhaar is linked to bank accounts, LPG connections, insurance policies, telephone connections and to almost every facility that a citizen avails.

However, not all of us were aware of the significance and importance of Aadhaar Card when we had enrolled for it. Now that the Aadhaar is gradually becoming a crucial document, many might want to make certain changes to the data stored in Aadhaar - a misspelled name, an obsolete telephone number, fudged date of birth, change in marital status or a new residential address. Well, there's nothing to get worked up about. Updating the details in your Aadhaar card is actually a very lucid process.

Your Aadhaar card stores your name, date of birth, Aadhaar number, gender, photograph, residential address and biometric data such as retinal scan and fingerprint. If you wish to change or update any of these data, you could apply for an Aadhaar Card Update. You initiate the process by visiting your nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Center or apply through post or even from the comforts of your home through the UIDAI website. However, changes in biometric data are to be made only by physically visiting the enrolment center.

Wish to know more? Click here to get a step-by-step guideline for Aadhar Card Update. 

Aadhaar Card Download

Aadhaar Card may not be mandatory as of now, but the list of transactions requiring is on the rise. The 12-digit unique identity number has become a must for availing of various essential services such as getting a new mobile number, filing tax returns, opening a new bank account, investing money in financial products like shares, mutual funds and stocks, and the list continues.

It typically takes you around three months to apply, submit data and receive the Aadhaar card. If you have already applied for your Aadhaar card, submitted the necessary documents and data but have not received the card yet, you can simply download a PDF version of your Aadhaar card, and you will be good to go.

  • If you have applied for a fresh Aadhaar card and wish to download the e-aadhaar, you could use your Enrolment ID found on your acknowledgment slip to download the PDF version of your Aadhaar card through the UIDAI website. If you have applied for Aadhaar Card Update, you could use the URN or the UID of your previously held Aadhaar Card to access a soft copy of your Aadhaar. You can also generate a Virtual ID or VID and proceed with Aadhaar card download.
  • You can just download, print and laminate the document and it will perfectly substitute the original card. Click here to get a detailed guideline of the Aadhar Card Download procedure. 


As India is gradually proceeding towards digitization, a number of useful and convenient service are being made available to the citizens. Gone are those painful days when you had to stand in a queue for hours to get a job done. When the Indian Government had started rolling out Aadhaar cards nearly a decade ago, the application process was quite painstakingly time-consuming as almost each minute process was manually done. Over these years, our government has progressed magnificently and digitized a major chunk of the Aadhaar process. Indeed, the government has come a long way. The e-Aadhaar is one such innovation that makes the Aadhaar obtaining process much more simple and convenient.

A digital version of your Aadhaar is known as e-aadhaar. It can be downloaded from the UIDAI website and printed to be used as a substitute of the original card. It can also be stored as a soft copy on your mobile phone. The mAadhaar app also gives you access to your e-aadhaar, which is an interface to carry your demographic and biometric information on the go. Aadhaar is a must everywhere these days - whether you want a new phone connection, open a new bank account or a new line of credit, apply for IT returns, etc. The e-Aadhaar works on behalf of your original Aadhaar card and you can reap the benefits of the original card through your e-Aadhaar in case the original card is unavailable.

Click here to know how you can get your e Aadhar.